Today I received an email from artsACT saying
“Thank you for your application for Arts Activities Up to $5k funding. Unfortunately your application was not successful on this occasion. Applications are carefully considered by artsACT staff against the assessment criteria and we appreciate the time and effort taken in submitting your application and the importance of your arts activities…..”
Gosh! I loath that word and when you hear it often it can be soul destroying and make you feel shit, value-less, incapable, stupid.
I will ask for feedback, not yet though as I am disappointed. I’ll do it when I am able to control my emotions on the phone and not blubber like an idiot. My guess is that I either did a crap job applying for the funding OR the project is deemed unworthy (which it is not!) or maybe does not fit into the selection criteria…. I did think that because it is political it could be unsuccessful. Maybe it’s not ‘arts’ enough.
Why do we have the arts? To provoke and to challenge are two reasons. That is what the #everydayclimatecrisis Visual Petition is going to do. Is it the egalitarian use of artists’ images? Is it too negative? It is certainly innovative what to challenge the norms.
Anyway, I will seek advise and let you know.
In the meantime, keep those images coming…. I am grateful that we have so many kind and wonderful women* who have submitted so far… we have almost 300 images!! Only 1000 to go… lol
Hilary Wardhaugh