Louise Whelan

Top image: Uncle Bruce Shillingsworth stands in the dry Darling River Walgett NSW 2019.Bruce Shillingsworth is a Muruwari and Budjiti man, a talented artist and water for the rivers activist. 2nd image: NSW Drought Cobar 2019. Rotarian, Gordon Hill of Cobar NSW holds a beer can of water donated by CUB.CUB’s Cascade Brewery produced 360,000 cans… Continue reading Louise Whelan

Hilary Wardhaugh

Two images by Hilary Wardhaugh Potato Point was affected by the 2020 NSW bushfires and this image was made at the end of 2020. Clearing burned and dead trees to reduce fuel load. The Queanbeyan River after the peak of the recent flood in early 2021, with much vegetation draped across branches high up riverside… Continue reading Hilary Wardhaugh