The effects of climate change are far reaching and our flora and fauna are severely impacted. “Biophilia Bouquet” forms part of my “Fragile Beauty, Rich and Rare” series. In this body of work, I tell a story not often told, that of Australia’s threatened flora. Adding to this narrative, I have incorporated photographs of Australia’s most endangered birds. Incorporating the visual clues of 17th century Still Life, the viewer is invited to reflect on both the beauty of the flora and fauna and the darkness within the underlying message. Eight threatened bird species and 65 threatened plant species are represented. All of the photographs have been taken by myself in the past two years at conservation gardens and wildlife refuges throughout Australia guided by horticulturalists and wildlife carers.
By co-opting photographs of living collections into contemporary artworks, these pieces sit somewhere within documentary, staged and creative photography. The work is a timely reminder of the importance of documenting, protecting and preserving the threatened biodiversity of Australia.
Website is www.pamelapauline.com
Instagram is @pamelapaulinephotography
Facebook is Pamela Pauline Photography
THE #everydayclimatecrisis PROJECT: A Visual Petition
This is a call out to all women and non-binary people of Australia to create images about Australia’s climate crisis, country-wide.
These images can include literal:
1: Images of the effects Climate Change; drought, floods, fires, pollution…
2: Images of Hope; beautiful pristine landscapes and seascapes, regeneration…
3: Images of People doing little things to help mitigate the effects of Climate Change, globally.
4: Images that creatively respond to the theme
Images will be printed like a normal Petition and presented around June World Environment Day and/or when Parliament is sitting in Canberra.
It is free to submit. You retain copyright. It can be a phone photo.
Please name your files with your full name and location: eg: HilaryWardhaugh-PotatoPointNSW.jpg
Images MUST be sized to A4 size @ 300dpi Please add a word doc with your details including your instagram handle and a short description of your images.
Click on link to submit in profile
And if you have a spare few dollars to help fund the project there is also a donate button on that page.
#worldenvironmentday #everydayclimatecrisis #womenphotoaus #womenphotographers #womenphotographersaustralia #climatechange #artsadvocoacy