Edwina Richards

“Road to nowhere” Days after the fires of 2019/2020 swept through Taree and beyond, NSW. www.edwinarichards.com @edwinajillrichards 🟡CALL OUT🟡 THE #everydayclimatecrisis PROJECT: A Visual Petition This is a call out to all women and non-binary people of Australia to create images about Australia’s climate crisis, country-wide. These images can include literal: 1: Images of the… Continue reading Edwina Richards

Barbie Robinson

Performer/choreographers: Elizabeth Cameron Dalman and Vivienne Rogis @viviennerogis, from Mirramu Dance Company perform SO – In Search of Sophia presented as a site specific work at Mirramu Creative Arts Centre in 2019. #elizabethcamerondalman  Summer Solstice of 2019. The fires were raging along the south coast and around Canberra. We continued our performance until the end even as… Continue reading Barbie Robinson

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National Congress

Women Rising. Why Women? Why Now? Tuesday 30 November 2021, 10am – 4.30pm (online) Register here The National Congress of Women is an initiative of the Women’s Climate Congress to lead a women’s movement for collaborative action on climate change. Over several online events and a face-to-face conference in 2022, the National Congress of Women… Continue reading National Congress

Fiona Wolf

These photos were taken near Seal Rocks, NSW. It has been a place so special and sacred to me. Since I have come to live in Australia, I have been luck to visit quite a few of these spiritual places in the desert or coastal. It always shames and angers me to see traces of… Continue reading Fiona Wolf

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Jennifer Blau

Almost one year after enormous fires raged on Sydney’s North Head. Areas of the National Park remain burnt out with no sign of regeneration. It feels like an apopcalyptic scene at the gateway to Australia. Although these fires were the result of a hazard burn which got out of control, its a reminder of the… Continue reading Jennifer Blau


Congratulations to Zorica Purlija and Tatiana Kooraram, both receive a $350 grant to help their practice. Zorica states “I would like to use my grant money to publish a book of photographs I have made during Covid. The photographs are a edit of thousands of images during my daily walks , comprising of family friends… Continue reading Grants

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Pamela Pauline

The effects of climate change are far reaching and our flora and fauna are severely impacted.  “Biophilia Bouquet” forms part of my “Fragile Beauty, Rich and Rare” series.  In this body of work, I tell a story not often told, that of Australia’s threatened flora.   Adding to this narrative, I have incorporated photographs of Australia’s… Continue reading Pamela Pauline

3D-Virtual exhibition

I am feeling grateful to get a Room to exhibited a curated selection of artists’ work through New Art City This is a new and innovative way to exhibit and it is interactive too, so once live, guests can fly or walk around the space engaging with artists’ works. Here is a little early snippet… Continue reading 3D-Virtual exhibition

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